How to Create a Custom Ringtone for Your iPhone

Learn how to create custom ringtones for your iPhone with this step-by-step guide. Find out what time you should enter in these boxes, how to export your new ringtone, and more!

How to Create a Custom Ringtone for Your iPhone

Creating a custom ringtone for your iPhone is a great way to make your device stand out from the crowd. Whether it's a recording of your child, a favorite song, or something else entirely, you can easily turn it into a ringtone. To do this, you'll need to have the file stored on your phone and the free GarageBand app installed. You'll also need to make sure that the song you want to use is not protected by DRM (digital rights management).

Once you have all of these things in place, open GarageBand and select the “Create Ringtone” option. You'll then be prompted to enter the start and stop times for the ringtone. To find out what time you should enter in these boxes, you'll first need to listen to the track and write down the time you want it to start and stop. The stop time must be within 30 seconds, since this is the maximum duration of a ringtone.

When you're done entering the start and stop times, click “Create” and then “Export”. The file should now be highlighted in the window that opens and should be called something, m4a (where “something” is the name of your song). If you can't see the. m4a part (that is, you only see “ikson day off” and not “ikson day off, m4a”), it's because Windows is configured to hide the extensions.

Here's how to display the file extension for editing. Once you have the file stored on your phone, go to Settings and then to Sound & Vibration. You'll then need to select “Ringtones” from the list of options and then select “Add Ringtone”. Select your new ringtone from the list of available files and then tap “Done”. Your new ringtone will now be available in the list of available ringtones. It's important to note that it's not a good idea to use a 30-second song as a text message alert.

And, in case you're wondering, there's no difference between a “song” and a sound effect in iTunes, so you don't have to use part of a song from your music library as a custom alert tone.